Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I figured it out

When I hear other psychopomps talk about their work, they talk about seeing the being and talking to it, convincing it to pass over or connecting with past issues and working them out. But my work is all . . . feel. I feel the attachment. I say a greeting, and I may see and "hear" a response, but not often. Usually I just connect with the light, feel the unconditional love that awaits on the other side, and feel the being leave me. I am not a wordy person and am especially not good at persuasion.

And that's what I figured out: my "skill" is that connecting with the light. I "channel" the goodness and joy that awaits. It's okay that I don't do words.

The nasty being that hollered at me about dabbling was an "incarnation" of my insecurity. I don't do things the way others do. And that's okay.

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